Derivatives Overview

Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX), a subsidiary of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), was established on May 17, 2004 as a derivatives exchange. TFEX is governed by the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) and is under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). TFEX receives license and permission to trade derivatives products from the SEC on Feb 11, 2005.

Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) provide investors, fund managers, financial institution and the general public with the necessary tools to manage their portfolio effectively. TFEX offers comprehensive product offering such as SET50 Index Futures, SET50 Index Options, Gold Futures, Rubber Futures, Currency Futures, Interest Rate Futures and Single Stock Futures. TFEX are constantly developing new product that will benefit the current market. Recent development of TFEX to becoming a global derivative exchange includes Block Trading and Extended Trading Hours of Precious metals Futures.

UOB Kayhian Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited is a Full License Member of Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) that can trade all products listed on TFEX and also is a member of The Thailand Clearing House (TCH) , the subsidiary of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

Derivatives Overview

Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX), a subsidiary of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), was established on May 17, 2004 as a derivatives exchange. TFEX is governed by the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) and is under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). TFEX receives license and permission to trade derivatives products from the SEC on Feb 11, 2005.

Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) provide investors, fund managers, financial institution and the general public with the necessary tools to manage their portfolio effectively. TFEX offers comprehensive product offering such as SET50 Index Futures, SET50 Index Options, Gold Futures, Rubber Futures, Currency Futures, Interest Rate Futures and Single Stock Futures. TFEX are constantly developing new product that will benefit the current market. Recent development of TFEX to becoming a global derivative exchange includes Block Trading and Extended Trading Hours of Precious metals Futures.

UOB Kayhian Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited is a Full License Member of Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) that can trade all products listed on TFEX and also is a member of The Thailand Clearing House (TCH) , the subsidiary of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).


How to Trading Derivatives

Investment Knowledge

How to read Ticker Symbol

Futures: S50Z18 = SET50 Index Futures expiring on December, 2018.
Options:S50Z18C950 = SET50 Index Call Options expiring on December, 2018 with strike price of 950.

Delivery Months Symbol

Delivery Months Symbol
January F
February G
March H
April J
May K
June M
July N
August Q
September U
October V
November X
December Z
Ticker Symbol

Ticker Symbol
SET50 Index Futures S50
SET50 Index Options S50
Sector Index Futures :
Sector Bank Index BANK
Sector ICT Index ICT
Sector Energy & Utilities Index ENERG
Sector Commerce Index COMM
Sector Food and Beverage Index FOOD
Stock Futures Same as stock symbol
50 Baht Gold Futures GF
10 Baht Gold Futures GF10
Gold Online Futures GO
Interest Rate Futres :
5Y GOV Bond Futures TGB5
3M BIBOR Futures BB3
USD Futures USD
Rubber Futures RSS3
Trading Hours of All Product

Trading Hours of All Product
Morning Afternoon Night
Pre open: 9.15 – 9.45
Morning Session: 9.45 – 12.30
Pre open: 13.45 – 14.15
Afternoon Session: 14.15 – 16.55
Pre open: 18.45 – 19.00
Night Session: 19.00 – 23.55
SET50 Index Futures
SET50 Index Options
Sector Index Futures
Stock Futures
SET50 Index Futures
SET50 Index Options
Sector Index Futures
Stock Futures
Gold Futures
Gold Online Futures
Gold Futures
Gold Online Futures
Gold Futures
Gold Online Futures
Interest Rate Futures Interest Rate Futures
(End 16.00 hrs.)
USD Futures USD Futures
Rubber Futures Rubber Futures
(non lunch break)
Last Trading Day of All Product

Last Trading Day of All Product
Product Last Trading Day
SET50 Index Futures
SET50 Index Options
Sector Index Futures
Stock Futures
Gold Futures
Gold Online
The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Interest Rate Futures :
5Y GOV Bond Futures
The third Wednesday of the contract month and the trading of series going to expire will be ceased after 16:00 hrs. on the last trading day
Interest Rate Futures :
3M BIBOR Futures
The third Wednesday of the contract month and the trading of expiring contract will be ceased after 11:00 hrs. on the last trading day
USD Futures The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. The trading of an expire-series shall be ceased on 11:00 hrs.
Rubber Futures The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month.
Combination Order

Combination Order is a time spread which is the purchase and sale of two different series simultaneously with the same underlying. Each combination series is predefined by TFEX as a combination strategy with two legs in TFEX.

Buy Combination
A buy combination order is a long in the far series and a short in the near series (buy far & sell near). For example, a buy combination order of S50M18U18 means long in S50U18 and short in S50M18.

Sell Combination
A sell combination order is a short in the far series and a long in the near series (sell far & buy near). For example, a sell combination order of S50M18U18 means short in S50U18 and long in S50M18.

* A Combination Order is not send order to Pre-open hrs.

Margin Call and Force Close

Margin Call and Force Close
Case 1
If client has the value of Equity Balance (EB) less than Maintenance Margin (MM): EB < MM. Then client can take action one of the followings :
1. client can top up margin until EB >= MM before afternoon session ending (4.55 p.m.) or
2. client can close position until EB >= MM before afternoon session ending (4.55 p.m.) If client do not take action. Client may have Margin Call tomorrow. (case2)
Case 2
At the end of
trading day (T)
If client has the value of Equity Balance (EB) less than Maintenance Margin (MM): EB < MM at the end of trading . Then Client has to do one of the followings :
1. Transfer cash >= Margin Call (by 3.00 p.m. of T+1). or
2. ATS (Automatic Transfer) on T+1 = Margin Call : Please inform your Investment Consultant (IC) in case you could not use this method before 10.00 a.m. of T +1. or
3. Close position until your Equity Balance (EB) of T >= Initial Margin (IM) by 3.55 p.m. of T+1
Day T+1 If client do not take action by 3.55 p.m., Force Close action will taken by company until your EB of T >= Initial Margin (IM)
Case 3
If client has Equity Balance (EB) less than Intraday Force Close Margin (FM) : EB < FM, client has to top up margin until EB >= FM within 1 hour. If no action is taken, Force Close action will taken by company
Case 4
Intraday at 12.30 P.M
If Equity Balance (EB) in your portfolio is still less than Intraday Force Close Margin (FM) at 12.30 p.m.: EB < FM. Then Client has to do as the followings :
1. client has to top up margin until EB >= FM within 1 hour If no action is taken, Force Close action will taken by company. and
2. client has to top up margin until EB >= MM before 3.55 p.m. If no action is taken, Force Close action will taken by company.
* The force close action begins with closing position of contracts with the highest mark-to-market loss to the lowest, in that order. In case that the highest mark-to-market loss contracts cannot be force closed because of illiquidity, the contracts with the next highest mark-to-market loss and with sufficient liquidity will be force closed.

SET50 Index Futures (S50)

SET50 Index Futures (S50)
Underlying Asset SET50 Index which is compiled, computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Contract Multiplier THB 200 per index point
Contract Months 3 nearest consecutive months plus next 3 quarterly months
Minimum Price Fluctuations 0.10 index point (or THB 20 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the SET50 Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 delta equivalent SET50 Index Futures contracts on one side of the market in any contract months of SET50 Index Futures and SET50 Index Options combined.
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

BANK Index Futures (BANK)

BANK Index Futures (BANK)
Underlying Asset Sector Bank Index computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Contract Multiplier THB 1,000 per index point
Contract Months March, June, September, December up to 4 quarters
Minimum Price Fluctuations 0.10 index point (or THB 100 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 14:00 – 14:30
Afternoon session 14:30 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the Sector Bank Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 contracts in any sector futures contract on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined.
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

ICT Index Futures (ICT)

ICT Index Futures (ICT)
Underlying Asset Sector ICT Index computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Contract Multiplier THB 1,000 per index point
Contract Months March, June, September, December up to 4 quarters
Minimum Price Fluctuations 0.10 index point (or THB 100 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 14:00 – 14:30
Afternoon session 14:30 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the Sector ICT Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 contracts in any sector futures contract on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

FOOD Index Futures (FOOD)

FOOD Index Futures (FOOD)
Underlying Asset Sector Food and Beverage Index computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Contract Multiplier THB 10 per index point
Contract Months March, June, September, December up to 4 quarters
Minimum Price Fluctuations 1 index point (or THB 10 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 14:00 – 14:30
Afternoon session 14:30 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the Sector FOOD Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 contracts in any sector futures contract on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

ENERG Index Futures (ENERG)

ENERG Index Futures (ENERG)
Underlying Asset Sector Energy & Utilities Index computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Contract Multiplier THB 10 per index point
Contract Months March, June, September, December up to 4 quarters
Minimum Price Fluctuations 1 index point (or THB 10 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 14:00 – 14:30
Afternoon session 14:30 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the Sector ENERG Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 contracts in any sector futures contract on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

COMM Index Futures (COMM)

COMM Index Futures (COMM)
Underlying Asset Sector Commerce Index computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Contract Multiplier THB 10 per index point
Contract Months March, June, September, December up to 4 quarters
Minimum Price Fluctuations 1 index point (or THB 10 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 14:00 – 14:30
Afternoon session 14:30 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the Sector Commerce Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 contracts in any sector futures contract on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

Single Stock Futures

Single Stock Futures
Underlying Asset Listed securities in SET which meet TFEX listing criteria. List of underlying will be announced by TFEX.
Contract Multiplier 1,000 shares per contract
Contract Months March, June, September, December up to 4 quarters
Minimum Price Fluctuations THB 0.01
Price Limit +30% of the previous settlement price
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The average of the underlying share price during last 15 minutes and the closing price on the last trading day, rounded to the nearest two decimal points.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 contracts in any sector futures contract on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

SET50 Index Options (S50C , S50P)

SET50 Index Options (S50C , S50P)
Underlying Asset SET50 Index which is compiled, computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Exercise Style European Options
Contract Multiplier THB 200 per index point
Contract Months 3 nearest consecutive months plus 1 quarterly month
Minimum Price Fluctuations 0.10 index point (or THB 20 per contract)
Price Limit +30% of the previous day’s SET 50 Index
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:55
Final Settlement Price The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 16:30 hrs.
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price shall be the numerical value of the SET50 Index, rounded down to the nearest two decimal points as determined by the exchange, and shall be the average value of the SET50 Index taken during last 15 minutes and the closing index value, after deleting the three highest and three lowest values.
Speculative Position Limit Net 20,000 delta equivalent SET50 Index Futures contracts on one side of the market in any contract months of SET50 Index Futures and SET50 Index Options combined.
Settlement Method Cash Settlement

Gold Futures (10 and 50 Baht)

Gold Futures (10 and 50 Baht)
Heading Mini Gold Futures(10 Baht) Gold Futures (50 Baht)
Contact Size 10 Thai Gold Baht (152.44 grams)
(1 Thai Gold Baht = 15.244 grams)
50 Thai Gold Baht (762.20 grams)
(1 Thai Gold Baht = 15.244 grams)
Minimum Price Fluctuations THB 10 (or THB 100 per contract) THB 10 (or THB 500 per contract)
Underlying Asset Sector Bank Index computed and disseminated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Underlying Asset Gold Bullion with a purity of 96.5%
Contract Months 3 nearest even month : February, April, June, August, October, December
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:55
Pre-open 18:45 – 18:50
Night session 18:50 – 03:00 (Next day)
Price Quotation Baht per one baht-weight of gold
Price Limit Initial price limit is +10% from the latest settlement price. Should traded price reach the limit, trading will be halted for a certain period announced by TFEX. After trading resumes, the price limit will be expanded to +20% of the latest settlement price.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. The trading of expiring contract will be ceased at 16:30 hrs on Last Trading Day.
Final Settlement Price The Final Settlement Price shall be calculated on
- the basis of the London Gold A.M. Fixing price announced by London Gold Market Fixing Limited on the last trading day and the foreign exchange rate for Baht to US dollar announced by TFEX on the last trading day, after conversion for weight and fineness. The formula for its calculation is as follows:
= London Gold AM Fixing x (15.244/31.1035) x (0.965/0.995) x (THB/USD)
Settlement Method Cash Settlement
Speculative Position Limit Exchange may announce the position limit as it deems appropriate.

- 1 troy ounce = 31.1035 grams
- 1 Thai Gold Baht = 15.244 grams
- London Gold AM Fixing is based on 0.995 gold
- The underlying of gold futures contract is 0.965 gold
- Price per one baht-weight of gold (2 decimal points)

Gold Online Futures (GO)

Gold Online Futures (GO)
Underlying Asset Gold Bullion with a purity of 99.50%
Contract Size THB 300 per 1 USD
Contract Months
Price Quotation Baht per 1 troy ounce of spot gold
Minimum Price Fluctuations THB 0.1 (THB 30 per contract )
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:55
Pre-open 18:45 – 18:50
Night session 18.50-03.00 (Next day)
Price Limit Initial price limit is +10% from the latest settlement price. Should traded price reach the limit, trading will be halted for a certain period announced by TFEX. After trading resumes, the price limit will be expanded to +20% of the latest settlement price.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. The trading of expiring contract will be ceased at 16:30 hrs on Last Trading Day.
Final Settlement Price The Final Settlement Price shall be calculated on the basis of the London Gold A.M. Fixing price announced by London Gold Market Fixing Limited on the last trading day
Settlement Method Cash Settlement
Speculative Position Limit Exchange may announce the position limit as it deems appropriate.

5Y Gov Bond Futures (TGB5)

5Y Gov Bond Futures (TGB5)
Underlying Asset 5-Year Thai Government Bond with 5% coupon (semi-annual)
Contract Size THB 1,000,000
Contract Months 2 nearest quarter months on March June September December cycle
Price Quotation Price quoted by percent of par value with 2 decimal points.
Minimum Price Fluctuations 0.01 (or THB100 per contract)
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 14:00 – 14:30
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:00
Price Limit Initial price limit is +2.50% from the latest settlement price. Should traded price reach the limit, trading will be halted for a certain period announced by TFEX. After trading resumes, the price limit will be expanded to +5.00% of the latest settlement price.
Last Trading Day The third Wednesday of the contract month and the trading of series going to expire will be ceased after 16:00 hrs. on the last trading day
Final Settlement Price - Based on basket of eligible bond – A designated basket of Government Bonds with a minimum issuance size of ฿5,000 million and 4 - 6 year term to maturity on the first calendar day of the contract month.
- Calculated from average yield quoted by primary dealers (4 decimal points)
Settlement Method Cash Settlement
Speculative Position Limit Net 10,000 contracts of 5Y Gov Bond Futures on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined.

3M BIBOR Futures (BB3)

3M BIBOR Futures (BB3)
Underlying Asset 3M BIBOR
Contract Size THB 10,000,000
Price Quotation In terms of index 100.000 – Yield (on annual basis with 3 decimal points)
Minimum Price Fluctuations 0.005 (or THB125 per contract)
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:00
Price Limit Initial price limit is +1.25% from the latest settlement price. Should traded price reach the limit, trading will be halted for a certain period announced by TFEX. After trading resumes, the price limit will be expanded to +2.50% of the latest settlement price.
Last Trading Day The third Wednesday of the contract month and the trading of expiring contract will be ceased after 11:00 hrs. on the last trading day
Final Settlement Price Calculated from 3M BIBOR fixed at 11:00 hrs. (BKK time) as announced by Bank of Thailand on the last trading day (4 decimal points)
Settlement Method Cash Settlement
Speculative Position Limit Net 2,000 contracts of 3M BIBOR Futures on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined.

USD Futures (USD)

USD Futures (USD)
Underlying Asset US Dollar
Contract Size 1,000 USD
Contract Months 3 nearest consecutive months plus the next quarterly months (March, June, September, or December)
Price Quotation The price is quoted in term of Baht per 1 US Dollar (with 2 decimal points)
Minimum Price Fluctuations Tick size is 0.01 Baht (10 Baht per contract)
Trading Hours Morning
Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Morning session 9:45 – 12.30
Pre-open 13:45 – 14:15
Afternoon session 14:15 – 16:55
Pre-open 18:45 – 18:50
Night session 18.50 – 23.55

*เริ่มขยายเวลาซื้อขายช่วงกลางคืนตั้งแต่วันที่ 27 ก.ย. 2564 เป็นต้นไป

Price Limit Initial price limit is +2% from the latest settlement price. Should traded price reach the limit, trading will be halted for a certain period announced by TFEX. After trading resumes, the price limit will be expanded to +4% of the latest settlement price.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month. The trading of an expire-series shall be ceased on 11:00 hrs.
Final Settlement Price Calculated from the exchange rate announced by Thomson Reuters at 11:00 hrs (BKK time) on the last trading day (4 decimal points)
Settlement Method Cash Settlement
Speculative Position Limit Net 5,000 contracts on one side of the market in any contract month or all contract months combined

RSS3 Futures

RSS3 Futures
Underlying Asset Natural Rubber Ribbed Smoke Sheet No. 3 according to the Green Book standard. The delivered goods must meet the standard and must be produce by the producer as specified by TCH.
Contract Size 5,000 Kilograms (5 tons)
Contract Months 7 nearest consecutive months
Price Quotation THB per 1 Kilo
Minimum Price Fluctuations THB 0.05 (or THB 250 per contract)
Trading Hours Pre-open 9:15 – 9:45
Open session 9:45 – 16.55
Price Limit + 10% of the latest settlement price
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month.
Delivery Method Delivery must be made within the time frame as set out by the TCH at buyer options between:
1. Free on Board (F.O.B) term at either Bangkok port, Lam Chabang port or other port as specified by the Exchange.
2. Delivery within local warehouse or other places as agreed upon by the buyer and the seller in the area of Bangkok, Nakornpathom, Pathumthani, Samutprakarn, Samutsakorn, Saraburi, Cholburi, Rayong, Chantaburi or other areas as specified by TCH.
Settlement Method - Investors must submit acceptance / delivery notices within the stipulated timeframe for physical delivery. Only investors with capacity to take/deliver physical could submit the notices.
- In case that delivery notices could not be matched with acceptance notices or investors fails to submit notices, the positions will be cash settled with the Final Settlement Price.
- The Final Settlement Price will be calculated from the Volume Weight Average Price (VWAP) on the last trading day, providing that trading volume of expiring contract exceeds the level specified by exchange. If the trading volume does not meet the criteria, then use the last 3-Day average of Daily Settlement Price (including last trading day).
Speculative Position Limit 1. 1,000 contracts for the nearest contract month
2. 10,000 contracts for all contracts month combined

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